November 13-14, 2024 Minneapolis Institute of Art | Minneapolis, MN
Sponsoring the Minnesota Gift Planning Conference provides an invaluable opportunity to connect with leaders in the field, learn about topics in the nonprofit and fundraising sector, and network with other organizations. Several hundred attendees join
us annually, which makes the MGPA Conference the ideal place to highlight your company’s products, services, and expertise.
We want to hear from you!
If your organization wants to craft benefits to fit your unique needs, we are happy to discuss other options.
Sponsor recognition on MGPA website with link to Sponsor website
Agreed-upon email blast from MGPA prior to conference to introduce sponsor (except as noted below)
Invitation to complimentary attendees to attend Conference Reception
Host a table at Conference location
Recognition in mobile app
Exhibitor recognition on MGPA website with link to Exhibitor website
Platinum Sponsor (2) $6,000
Sponsor benefits*
Exhibitor benefits**
Opportunity to write one educational article to be included in MGPA’s The Source newsletter before or after the Conference (subject to review by MGPA)
Access to attendee names and email addresses
Opportunity to introduce a plenary speaker with a short introduction to your organization
Primary logo and link placement in conference mobile app
Complimentary registration for 4 attendees
6 additional invitations for the Conference Reception
Additional email blast after conference with Sponsor Spotlight
Conference Mobile App Sponsor (1) $4,500
Sponsor benefits*
Exhibitor benefits**
Logo displayed as sponsor of the virtual platform
Banner ad linked directly to your website from the mobile platform
Access to attendee names and email addresses
Primary logo and link placement in conference mobile app
Complimentary registration for 3 attendees
5 additional invitations for the Conference Reception
Additional email blast after conference with Sponsor Spotlight
Gold Sponsorships (unlimited) $4,000
Sponsor benefits*
Exhibitor benefits**
Opportunity to introduce a plenary speaker with a short introduction to your organization
Opportunity to write one educational article to be included in MGPA The Source newsletter before or after the Conference (subject to review by MGPA)
Access to attendee names and email addresses
Logo displayed in conference mobile app
Complimentary registration for 3 attendees
5 additional invitations for the Conference Reception
Additional email blast after conference with Sponsor Spotlight
Silver Sponsorships (unlimited) $3,500
Sponsor benefits*
Exhibitor benefits**
Opportunity to introduce a breakout speaker with a short introduction to your organization
Opportunity to write one educational article to be included in MGPA The Source newsletter before or after the Conference (subject to review by MGPA)
Access to attendee names and email addresses
Logo displayed in conference mobile app
Complimentary registration for 3 attendees
Additional email blast after conference with Sponsor Spotlight
Bronze Sponsorships (unlimited) $3,000
Sponsor benefits*
Exhibitor benefits**
Opportunity to write one educational article to be included in MGPA The Source newsletter before or after the Conference (subject to review by MGPA)
Access to attendee names and email addresses
Logo displayed in conference mobile app
Complimentary registration for 2 attendees
Cancellation Policy All conference sponsor and exhibitor cancellations will be issued a refund not to exceed 50% of their sponsorship fee if cancellation is received by October 13, 2024. After October 13, 2024 fees are non-refundable. Notices of cancellation must be emailed to
Conference Reception Sponsor (2) $5,000
Sponsor benefits*
Exhibitor benefits**
Opportunity to introduce/host with a short introduction to your organization and preferential signage at Conference Reception
Opportunity to write one educational article to be included in MGPA The Source newsletter before or after the Conference (subject to review by MGPA)
Access to attendee names and email addresses
Logo displayed in conference mobile app
Complimentary registration for 3 attendees
5 additional invitations for the Conference Reception
Additional email blast after conference with Sponsor Spotlight
Breakout Session Sponsor (1/session) $2,000
Sponsor benefits*
Exhibitor benefits**
Opportunity to host a breakout session speaker with slide recognizing your company’s sponsorship of the session
Access to attendee names and email addresses
Logo displayed in conference mobile app
Complimentary registration for 2 attendees
Exhibiting Sponsor (unlimited) $1,000
Exhibitor benefits**
One complimentary registration; additional representatives including table representatives must register as attendees
Invitation to your complimentary attendee to attend the Conference Reception
Scholarship Sponsorships (unlimited) $750
Logo displayed on conference mobile app
Complimentary registration for 2 attendees, 1 from sponsor and 1 attendee
Invitation to your complimentary attendees to attend the Conference Reception
Publication Sponsor (unlimited) $750
Logo displayed in conference mobile app
Complimentary registration for 1 attendee
Sponsor recognition on MGPA conference website with link to Sponsor website
Invitation to your complimentary attendee to attend the Conference Reception